Correct way to take blood pressure

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Important tips to read before you measure your blood pressure at home for the first time:

  • In order to ensure you are going to have an accurate reading, please be sure you are not taking your blood pressure within 30 minutes of exercising, drinking a caffeinated beverage or smoking. Ideally you are taking your blood pressure after 3-5 minutes of quiet/rest. 
  • Be sure you are applying the blood pressure cuff directly to your skin, not over clothing
  • Either arm is ok to apply the blood pressure cuff to, unless you have prior contraindications to BP on an arm affected by a stroke, AV Fistula or a previous mastectomy. 
  • Be sure you are comfortably seated in an upright position with your ankles uncrossed and your feet flat on the floor. The arm with the blood pressure cuff should be placed on the upper arm, above your elbow, and placed on a flat surface, such as an arm rest or nearby table. 
  •  For consistent readings, be sure to take your BP at the same time every day. 
  • The cuff should feel tight as it is taking the reading, but not painful. You may need to adjust the cuff a couple of times to ensure a comfortable fit
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